Working at Height

2 days (Basic) | 1 day (Refresher)
This GWO module is designed to equip participants with the essential theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to work safely at height.


You will learn how to use basic PPE and how to work at heights safely. We also teach techniques for a basic rescue from heights in a remote wind turbine environment.

Learn the skills needed for working at height, including:
  • How to use personal fall protection equipment (PFPE) and other essential PPE
  • Behaviours and actions to adhere to when working at height
  • How to carry out a simple rescue, according to RUK/GWO Working at Height standards.

Content and requirements

This course contains a number of key sections:

  • Understanding the potential hazards and risks associated with working at height, specifically in relation to working on or around a wind turbine generator
  • National legislation regarding working at heights
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) and personal fall protection equipment (PFPE) identification and use
  • How to self-rescue at height
  • Suspension intolerance, cause, affects and treatment
  • How to act in an emergency at height
  • Types of rescue situations in and around wind turbines
Attendees must be Global Wind Industry Records Database (WINDA) registered before starting the course. This allows potential employers to verify your accreditation.

Get in touch

Want to learn more about our Health & Safety related courses? Drop us a note below.

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