Manual Handling

0.5 days
The aim of this course is to promote the correct manual handling techniques and practices.


Delegates will learn to consider when there can be alternatives to manual handling by planning before acting. Where manual handling in a wind turbine environment is unavoidable, we will teach and demonstrate the correct methods which aim to prevent injury as a result of lifting.

A mix of in-class theory and practical sessions, by the end of the course successful delegates will be able to:


  • Understand the risks of not carrying out manual handling tasks effectively
  • Understand the alternatives to manual handling where present
  • Demonstrate safe manual handling techniques

Content and requirements

The course covers eight aspects of manual handling:
  • An overview of current legislation and industry
  • Incident and injury reporting
  • What is manual handling and when it is needed?
  • Spinal and shoulder anatomy and possible injuries from manual handling
  • Equipment pre and post-use checks and certification
  • Risk assessments and control measures
  • Planning your operations
  • Safe lifting techniques
Attendees must be Global Wind Industry Records Database (WINDA) registered before starting the course. This allows potential employers to verify your accreditation.

Get in touch

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